The thing that bugs me is that he was talking with his roleplayers before he did it, and if I remember correctly, agreed not to do it by popular opinion but then changed his mind. And I think TGN suggested it to him...and when a sponsor 'suggests' typically have to do it. It was supposed to 'appeal to the masses', but it DIDN'T. Views tanked by 1000+ on this season per episode. In Season 2 it was 1500 or so, now its 300-500 at best. And it was a kick to the roleplayers for having their characters mean so much less, when the entire idea of video-based XCOM roleplays is to 'enrich' the playthrough by making you care about the soldiers...
The other problem is more of a general video-based issue, and that's simply that half of the roleplayers that sighed up for a post a week aren't doing anything, or close to nothing. I'm pretty sure half of the soldiers only posted once or not at all, which is something the past seasons in GLG suffered from as well.
Obviously, with vanilla you get situations like Ayame, Anna, etc where you almost never see a good majority of the soldiers in active duty (for any reasonable period of time), but Long War is just so damn harsh...and the other brick wall is that reloading feels so cheap, even if you're going to lose the playthrough and torpedo your roleplay if you don't.