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Operator 21O
Staff member
New post is up and I just want to say it was a short post but I tried to fill it with as much emotion as possible. I need feedback on this. This was a long time coming.


Well-Known Member
You can't? Hm... well, I guess considering the other characters I've had...

At any rate, she's Straight. She actually finds the concept of two women to be strange, not because she's prejudice, but because she hasn't had that much exposure to people in that kind of relationship.

Alright, that makes sense :)
It just seemed like she was flirting with Ammelia a bit during their meeting, I guess I was just looking too much into it. :/


Game Master
Staff member
Alright, that makes sense :)
It just seemed like she was flirting with Ammelia a bit during their meeting, I guess I was just looking too much into it. :/
No, I can see why you might think that. But it wasn't meant to sound like flirting, more like admiration. She has a lot of respect for Ammelia, but she isn't physically attracted to her. Guess she did come off a little strong. It would actually be kind of funny if Ammelia thought the same thing you did. Food for thought...


Well-Known Member
New post is up and I just want to say it was a short post but I tried to fill it with as much emotion as possible. I need feedback on this. This was a long time coming.
It was well dome, though I do wonder at times why Desmond fancies thinking he doesn't deserve hapiness or free will. He seems to tend to make himsekf suffer. Hope someone can change that, I'm not so sure my characters can. We need someone nice like...Ammelia, or Jessica.


Operator 21O
Staff member
It was well dome, though I do wonder at times why Desmond fancies thinking he doesn't deserve hapiness or free will. He seems to tend to make himsekf suffer. Hope someone can change that, I'm not so sure my characters can. We need someone nice like...Ammelia, or Jessica.
It is just how he thinks of himself and really the only person who could have helped him, he had just sent away crying.


Game Master
Staff member
It is just how he thinks of himself and really the only person who could have helped him, he had just sent away crying.
Well, I loved it. Pushing her away to protect himself from these feelings (and maybe to protect her as well). It's a bit simple, but almost Shakespearean.

(Sorry, couldn't help it)


Operator 21O
Staff member
Well, I loved it. Pushing her away to protect himself from these feelings (and maybe to protect her as well). It's a bit simple, but almost Shakespearean.
Well if only my characters were as transparent as that then this would be boring there will be more of these two I promise.


Well-Known Member
The confession regarding roles had in rules made.
No blame placed. Mistakes are made because we believe they are the right decisions at the time. That's why we call them mistakes. Plus we then learn from them.

At least I hope so. Would invalidate many parts of my life if we didn't.

New post is up and I just want to say it was a short post but I tried to fill it with as much emotion as possible. I need feedback on this. This was a long time coming.
Main concern is simple paragraph structure. It tends to clump up a bit.

Mind you, that's my only real criticism. I'd like to say that I think you've improved quite a bit since I first hopped on here. Keep up the good work.


Operator 21O
Staff member
No blame placed. Mistakes are made because we believe they are the right decisions at the time. That's why we call them mistakes. Plus we then learn from them.

At least I hope so. Would invalidate many parts of my life if we didn't.

Main concern is simple paragraph structure. It tends to clump up a bit.

Mind you, that's my only real criticism. I'd like to say that I think you've improved quite a bit since I first hopped on here. Keep up the good work.
Yeah my paragraph structure has always been a little lacking.


Well-Known Member
I liked what Picard had to say about torture in "Chain of Command." He talked about how his torturer was a weak person that couldn't get over the pain he felt in the past, and that torture was a bad system because it only showed how depraved the torturer was.



Game Master
Staff member
I liked what Picard had to say about torture in "Chain of Command." He talked about how his torturer was a weak person that couldn't get over the pain he felt in the past, and that torture was a bad system because it only showed how depraved the torturer was.

I love that two parter. A reference to the book 1984, I believe, which ended with the protagonist realizing what a fool he'd been for not understanding that two plus two actually equalled five before being executed. It's fitting if you think of the Council acting as Big Brother.


Game Master
Staff member
I'm also reminded of the episode "The Drumhead," in which Picard, realizing a simple investigation has turned into a witch hunt, quotes a line from the lead investigator's father: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." It is a warning about being too suspicious, and willingly throwing away a person's basic rights for the sake of "security".


Well-Known Member
New post is up and I just want to say it was a short post but I tried to fill it with as much emotion as possible. I need feedback on this. This was a long time coming.

It's a little late, but I think it was great, certainly a compelling story. No criticism that hasn't been said, just try to break up the dialogue lines a little more. My english professor hammered that hard into my head, always keep the dialogue lines and the description lines separate as much as possible. There's always times you have to textwall it, but as long as you can limit them, it works out. An example of a change I would make frequently:

"I don't know if if I want to do anything like that," Emily replied slowly, looking to the side nervously. The idea of mods and amputations becoming prevalent on base made her shudder. She knew that the nature of the war would mean adapting salvage and taking extreme measures, but had no interest in taking part in it herself. "It's just not my kind of thing."
"I don't know if I want to do anything like that," Emily replied slowly.

She looked to the side nervously, shuddering at the idea of mods and amputations becoming prevalent on base. She knew the nature of the war would mean adapting salvage and taking extreme measures, but had no interest in taking part in that herself.

"It's just not my kind of thing," she continued.

That kind of change just makes it look more digestible I think. There's nothing wrong with having a long-looking post as long as you can read it quickly. Separate lines for separate speaking characters makes it easier to follow as well.
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