I think it save for me to say that I might be done. Responsibility has caught up to me, school, work, friends, girlfriend and family are all interfering with my internet time. (School especially

) But I rather like it, it's a life I worked toward and you guys helped me along this path

I'm glad I have meet you all and I was able to RP with you. Sadly I will have to say goodbye now. If anyone want to take my character go right ahead, I'm sort of sad I was never able to finish it, so just to spoiler you all on what my plans were. After X-COM attacked EXALT headquarters and destroyed it, I was going to have Lüsett and Eve escape to another base and go undercover for a couple of year, however during the flight Eve would kill her mother (Lüsett) and say something like, you have won mother, but you fought for the wrong reason, our god's are here to save us. Going something along the edge of the aliens being gods for Eve. Then she was going to say something like "My new name will be Eve Sirius" but not this easily of course xD. And that was going to hint at the Cult of Sirius from X-Com Apocalypse. That was my original plan with a ton of RPing idea in between. But like I said I have zero time for this. So as much as it hurts.
Goodbye ^^
and thank you all for everything.