Well-Known Member
Thank you. That is Saeko Busujima, my favorite character from Highschool of the Dead, the stoic, silent character, who acts as the groups strongest melee fighter, and by far the most reliable.
Damn it, that anime had such potential, and I personally loved it. It was just... SATURATED in fanservice.
I have no problem with a fanservicey show, except when you are trying for a series theme. That show had such potential, and I didn't mind the fanservice in non-serious situations, but not during a major fight.
I'd still recommend it, though, if not just for her alone, then because it has a fun and interesting story.
She does have a weird... quirk, though.
Yea I remember this show, a friend of mine recommended it to me a few years ago. and Saeko was my favorite character. Manley she was nuts, and the best woman out of the group.