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Well-Known Member
So, how'd people like the Avaritia set up? Now people know why I was like

when I learned Albert was on this mission. >:]

Well, you've got me debating on whether or not the Arc Thrower person's death will leave remains or not, at least.


Operator 21O
Staff member
To all of you who helped me today, I would just like to say thank you. Now I could sit here and talk till I am blue in the face (Or my fingers fly off) about how much you guys mean to me as this has been repeated...well, repeatedly. But for me, this roleplay has done a lot more than bring writers together, but a family. You guys are the kinds of friends that, I won't say will last forever as nothing lasts forever, but are the ones I rely on. I have friends at school and near home and some of those friends are ones like you and others not, but in all reality this, all of this, has changed my life for the better. I come home each day wondering what new things I will get to experience on Gamigon. Wooooo...alright, lovey dovey stuff aside, I will be trying my best to work on something in the coming hours and I will see how far I get with it.


Operator 21O
Staff member
Well...two hours and nothing coming to me. I think I will take someone's advice and just take a break, however much it kills me to do nothing. At least I can take solace in the fact I can put a gun to my head, pull the trigger and grow stronger for it.

Edit: Doesn't mean what you think it does, only like...one other person will get it, maybe two.


Well-Known Member
Well...two hours and nothing coming to me. I think I will take someone's advice and just take a break, however much it kills me to do nothing. At least I can take solace in the fact I can put a gun to my head, pull the trigger and grow stronger for it.

Edit: Doesn't mean what you think it does, only like...one other person will get it, maybe two.
Welcome to my world for today. The most I did was write a backstory for a character unrelated to Story of Defiance. :confused: No school tomorrow, though. So that's a bonus, at least.


Well-Known Member
Well...two hours and nothing coming to me. I think I will take someone's advice and just take a break, however much it kills me to do nothing. At least I can take solace in the fact I can put a gun to my head, pull the trigger and grow stronger for it.

Edit: Doesn't mean what you think it does, only like...one other person will get it, maybe two.


Jojo did it first.


Game Master
Staff member
I celebrated a birthday!

By which, I mean I sat at home, played some videogames, and rolled my eyes while everyone insisted on singing to me, and worked on a couple of missions... sigh...


Well-Known Member
At least I can take solace in the fact I can put a gun to my head, pull the trigger and grow stronger for it.

Edit: Doesn't mean what you think it does, only like...one other person will get it, maybe two.
Essentially, yes. They use weapons called Evokers to call forth their personas, the reasons for which might be stated somewhat at the beginning, but it becomes more apparent as time goes on.

Did I win?


Well-Known Member
I celebrated a birthday!

By which, I mean I sat at home, played some videogames, and rolled my eyes while everyone insisted on singing to me, and worked on a couple of missions... sigh...

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, since I didn't wish you best wishes before! May you find another year of finding dollar bills in the street and bumping into interesting strangers.

Side note: this is why we need a giant scrolling banner somewhere for whenever a member of the site has a birthday. This fact was literally mentioned three days ago, and my poor brain already forgot. Such shame I bring upon myself.
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