
Operator 21O
Staff member
Welcome, it's good to see a new face here, hope you like it here and will stay long.

Here is a link the the Lore,Rule Forum according to this you can create your own character, I know it's much to read, but we all had to go through that.


Then when you created a character just follow Zombies instruction :)
We are a newsroom right now, I feel like if we were all here we would be running around like chickens with no heads, trying to get everything sorted with papers flying everywhere people screaming at the top of their lungs...it is nice to finally be fully active again after so many days of quiet XD


Well-Known Member
Do I make the biography here or how do I make a bio?

Just use any programm like wordpad, microsoft word, google docs. Then you can always edit it. For review send it to the GM, and when it's final and you are sure you do not want to change anything you are allowed to post it here on the forum.


Well-Known Member
We are a newsroom right now, I feel like if we were all here we would be running around like chickens with no heads, trying to get everything sorted with papers flying everywhere people screaming at the top of their lungs...it is nice to finally be fully active again after so many days of quiet XD

That is what I was thinking xD
Nice one, made me laugh for a few minutes xD


Well-Known Member
Yeah okay, we should leave the explaning to the GM's xD

The new one has like 50 notifications now explaining the same thing xD


Well-Known Member
Anyone here ever watched K-on, that part where Azunyan first wanted to join the band and the girls where all over here, giving her cake and such. Yeah that is us right now xD


Well-Known Member
@Karla Norberg

Like they said, type it up on microsoft word or in a conversation here or something. The bio and story threads for this season of rp are not yet up, since im on vacation until june 22nd. Once i get back we might be ready to start.

And if we start before your bio and intro are done dont worry, you can still join as a late recruit from a ship or one of the planets we visit on our way to Forseti.


Well-Known Member
After corrections were made, we have a total of 25 soldiers ish. Ill break it down for you in the spoiler.

ZombieSplitter53 - 3
DarkGemini24601 - 4
MarineAvenger - 3
Adrammalech - 3
Frostlich1228 - 1
BMPixy - 2
Dahlexpert - 2
Taxor_the_First - 1

Zain, Euan, Blackout, Mangrale, and Karla presumably - 1 each for a total of 5

Note i am requesting pixy and dahl do no more than 2 soldier characters. For the old guard of 8 it averages to a nice 2.5 per person.

As for civilian staff, we have 15.

ZombieSplitter53 - 3
DarkGemini24601 - 2
MarineAvenger - 2
Adrammalech - 1
Frostlich1228 - 1
BMPixy - 3
Dahlexpert - 0
Taxor_the_First - 3 (one is ah... Special case)

And finally, there are 6 essential staff members that i granted amnesty from the main total of 40. Zmby has 4, i have 1, and prisma has 1.

Plus there are some special operatives out there but god knows what im going to do with them.

Part two
Coming at you soon


Well-Known Member
Part 2

I am going to lay out a groundrule regarding characters so people understand this concept. May even go up on the rules thread later.

Main Characters - Under normal circumstances you should have two of these. They are the characters you will spend the most time with in solos and collaborations and missions. Feel free to give them a juicy lengthy bio, replete with the information you want the general rpers to know about them.

Major Characters - the important supporting cast that you roleplay with. These are also counted in your character total (so dont go overboard with these) but they are secondary to your main characters. still give them a full bio of your template, but it can be shorter than your MC bio.

Minor Characters - DO NOT go overboard here, but these minor characters are not counted in your character total. They are adopted npcs, minor fighter pilots, refugees that may be recurring but are and should be almost never alone without a major or main character around on both sides. They are attaches to your main and major characters or reusable staff.

DO NOT write full bios for them. Make something short and easy, and id even strongly recommend saying (minor character) by their name or something. These will be posted last in the bios thread, naturally.

If you guys want any of these, make sure you dont use them more often than your major characters.


Well-Known Member
Zombie has 6, I have 6, ramma has 5, frodt hss 2, marine has 5, dahl has 2, pixy has 5, tax has four, everyone else one character total.

That is not counting special ops which im really unsure of what to do with these days and essential staff members that i dont count against anyone the same as antagonists.


Well-Known Member
Players should probably have no more than 2-5 main + major characters, and im going to state now that the original eight cant add anymore at this time, especially not soldiers.

New people, please stick with 2-3 if you can. So far you have modtly just done one per so im not worried about that:


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is off-topic, but which avatar should I rather use?

Yumi (Wolf Ear Girl) or This Sith guy, who I do not have a name for yet.

Both were made by me, but I do not know which one to use :(
The struggel is real.