Terra Dolor: OOC Discussion & Think Tank


Game Master
Staff member
Almost done with the mission, friends. Just finishing with Marine, then short epilogues if anyone wants one, and boom, we're solid. Sorry it has taken this long, but it has been fun.


Well-Known Member
Wow twenty nine parts that's insane. Admittedly I read some of it one the doc days prior,but I can't wait to the rest.


Game Master
Staff member
Finished with Frost and Marine, just have to work with Black0ut, and the mission will be officially completed. I want to thank everyone for their hard work on this mission. Over 200,000 characters, this one. Quite impressive. After I get everything up, there are quite a few collabs people are interested in doing with me that'll I'll try and get to without too much haste. Two with Frost. Two with Dahl. One with Marine that is waiting to go up. Probably one with Exo I'm forgetting due to my early morning tiredness... and general tiredness... and poor memory.

At any rate, now that about 98% of it is up, I'd love to get some feedback. What you guys enjoyed, what you thought could have been better, favorite moments, least favorite moments. Etcetera, etcetera...

Frostlich1228 (Alt)

Well-Known Member
It was awesome!

I think my favorite parts were Charter's, Lyrs, and Titania's/Ferron's.

Seeing Es like that was really sad and seeing how Charter reacted of was interesting, like he showed a vulnerability there we don't really get to ser too often.

Lyr was obviously great with Mina, they're interactions were fantastic all around, especially the tough love he showed her.

And Titania and Ferron, they're interactions were great, we got to see a great side of both of them, leading up to Ferron's (And Titania's) sacrifice. I also loved her interactions with Arlia (You probably thought I forgot about you Exo. :3 ) Thier love/hate relationship in the post and thier back and forths were really good!

Personally, the parts you did with me Zombie were amazing too (but I'm obviously biased so I want to hear what you all thought of me and Zombs parts :D )


Game Master
Staff member
It was awesome!

I think my favorite parts were Charter's, Lyrs, and Titania's/Ferron's.

Seeing Es like that was really sad and seeing how Charter reacted of was interesting, like he showed a vulnerability there we don't really get to ser too often.

Lyr was obviously great with Mina, they're interactions were fantastic all around, especially the tough love he showed her.

And Titania and Ferron, they're interactions were great, we got to see a great side of both of them, leading up to Ferron's (And Titania's) sacrifice. I also loved her interactions with Arlia (You probably thought I forgot about you Exo. :3 ) Thier love/hate relationship in the post and thier back and forths were really good!

Personally, the parts you did with me Zombie were amazing too (but I'm obviously biased so I want to hear what you all thought of me and Zombs parts :D )
It's alright, Frost. You're allowed to say your contributions were great, since they were.


Well-Known Member
I liked the entire mission, can't go over everything because I'm on my phone. But every individual mission fit that Character. So overall fantastic work to everyone, and no I'm not saying that just to be nice. We all did a fantastic job.